Thursday, September 9, 2010

Arnett's Plumbing, Inc. Esxhbits at The Fall Home Garden Show @ Del Mar Fairgrounds, Sept.10-12, 2010

Arnett's Plumbing, Inc. will be exhibiting the Rinnai gas tankless water heater in the O'Brien hall, booth 470. Representatives from Arnett's Plumbing, Inc. will be available to answer your questions and provide "Ball Park" pricing as well as opportunities to sign up for a FREE in home quote. Come down to the Del Mar Fairgrounds and have a great day!

The Federal Tax Credit - Economic Stimulus Package Offer Expires 12/31/2010
See our Promo Page for details.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

April 1, 2010 Arnett’s Plumbing now installs Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters.

After careful consideration Arnett’s Plumbing made the decision to promote both Rinnai and Noritz tankless water heaters. These two Japanese manufactures are the leaders in the industry. They offer comparable quality, performance and warranties. The most significant difference between the two is the venting; Rinnai tankless water heaters offer a concentric PCV vent while Noritz tankless water heaters uses a stainless steel vent. Through our extensive experience we have found that having options with the venting can often un complicate installations thus saving the customer in material and labor costs. Arnett’s Plumbing also felt that is was reasonable to offer our customers a choice in the decision process of going tankless.

Please check our web site for new photos and info

March 11, 2010 Arnett’s Plumbing, Inc.

Arnett’s Plumbing has incorporated but, don’t worry, we are still a family run business! We are dedicated to providing quality workmanship, customer care, reliable service and consistent quality to our fellow San Diego residents.
Arnett's Plumbing, Inc. is currently working on updating our web site and adding additional services and photos of tankless water heater installaions.

February 15, 2010 Showroom Relocated

You may have noticed that our Arnett's plumbing sign is no longer visible from I-8. Arnett’s made the difficult but smart decision to downsize so that we can keep our tankless water heater prices low for you! We have relocated our showroom to a near by location and are now open by appointment only. 4694-P Alvarado Canyon Road, San Diego, 92120. Located behind the A1 Storage Facility. Please call (619)223-1209 to arrange a visit.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Arnett's Plumbing and Habitat for Humanity Project

Arnett's Plumbing and Noritz have teamed up with Habitat for Humanity and are donating labor and material for a Habitat for Humanity project in Chula Vista. Eric is installing the Noritz NR66 tankless water heater today! Arnett's Plumbing is happy we could be part of a great project!
For more info on Habitat for Humanity visit

Arnett's Plumbing Exhibits at Earth Fair in Balboa Park, San Diego 4/18/2010

Thank you San Diego for showing support of Earth Fair 2010! Arnett's plumbing applauds your efforts to make Mother Earth a better place for us all.


Tank Water Heater Waste
It is estimated that 7.3 million traditional tank-based water heaters are disposed into landfills each year in the United States. Keys to preventing the production of waste is to practice the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. With a Noritz tankless water heater you can be sure that the 3Rs are in place.

Noritz & The 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle)
ReduceThe most effective way to decrease waste is to prevent it in the first place. Purchasing durable, long lasting products is a means of waste prevention. With a Noritz tankless water heater you can rest assured that you will be getting an extremely durable unit. On average a tank water heater has a lifespan of 8-10 years, but a Noritz tankless water heater can last significantly longer.

Reusing a product may actually be more beneficial than recycling, because it doesn't require any reprocessing before it can be used again. Every part on a Noritz tankless water heater is replaceable, so you won't have to worry about replacing the entire unit if there's a malfunction. Just repair the damaged part and your unit is as good as new. With a tank water heater you're more than likely going to have to replace the whole thing.

Recycling turns materials that would otherwise turn to waste, into valuable resources. The main components of a Noritz tankless water heater are recyclable, so there will be a significant decrease in waste materials from a Noritz unit.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Arnett's Plumbing Esxhbits at The Spring Home Garden Show @ Del Mar Fairgrounds

Arnett's Plumbing will be exhibiting the Noritz gas tankless water heater in the O'Brien hall, booth 470. Representatives from Arnett's Plumbing will be available to answer your questions and provide "Ball Park" pricing as well as opportunities to sign up for a FREE in home quote. Come down to the Del Mar Fairgrounds and have a great day!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Noritz Tankless Water Heaters / Home Show

Arnett's Plumbing will be exhibiting the Noritz Tankless Water Heater this weekend at the Winter Home Decorating & Remodeling Show @ the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Visit us in the Pat O'Brien Hall, booth 544. Knowledgeable staff from Arnett's Plumbing will be available to answer frequently asked questions regarding the Noritz gas tankless water heater, provide "Ball Park" pricing and schedule FREE In-Home Quotes. This event is FREE to the public, parking $9

In accordance with the recent economic stimulus package, this Federal tax credit allows homeowners who install any of our qualifying models to claim 30% of the full purchase and installation price up to a maximum of $1500. In order to take advantage of the one-time Federal tax credit, homeowners must install a qualifying unit in 2009 or 2010, and claim it on their 2009 or 2010 Federal income tax forms, respectively. The maximum amount a taxpayer may claim for all qualifying energy efficient home improvements, including the purchase and installation of a Noritz tankless water heater, is $1,500 over the lifetime of the credit (2009-2010).